Agenda General Assembly

International RSA Society Meeting General Assembly

Merete Barker Søauditoriet, Aarhus University, Denmark
Friday April 5th, 2019, from 02:00 PM – 03:00 PM


  1. Welcome by the Society President, Professor Rob Nelissen
  2. Assignment of a rapporteur to draft the minutes of the general assembly
  3. Members of the International RSA Society and fee
  4. Annual RSA General Assembly Meetings (Biennieal RSA Meetings) – practical’s
  5. CE Marking of RSA Instruments (Beads and Beads Guns)
  6. Financial checking of the International RSA Society
  7. Edward Valstar Award
  8. LOGO of the International RSA Society
  9. Work Groups during the RSA Meeting in Aarhus
  10. Board member vacancies/replacements – when/how
  11. Presentation of The 7th RSA International Conference in 2021
  12. Optionally
  13. Questions
Posted in Agenda, Meetings, News, RSA Meeting Aarhus, RSA Society.