The International Radiostereometry Society promotes research and development in radiostereometry (RSA) and related sciences throughout the world. The society promotes the propagation of scientific information and encourages progression the field of radiostereometry in all its aspects, including research, education and clinical application.

Travel Grant
February 5th – 2 PM CET – Online meeting: Update on TKA migration thresholds
Join us for our new IRSA Online Meeting on February 5th! In order to stimulate academic sharing and social connection among members of the RSA Society we initiate a series of 1-hour online meetings where RSA research groups take turns presenting/sharing on different topics followed by a discussion. Presenter: Bart Pijls from The Leiden University…
Minutes General Assembly International RSA Society Meeting 2024
New Guideline for RSA and CT-RSA implant migration measurements
The IRSA society published a new guideline for RSA and CT-RSA implant migration measurements. These guidelines are the result of discussions within a diverse group of RSA researchers. They were approved in December 2023 by the board and selected members of the International Radiostereometry Society to update the guidelines by Valstar et al.. By adhering…
9th RSA Meeting
The Canadian RSA Network is thrilled to host the 2025 International RSA Meeting in tandem with the Canadian Orthopaedic Association annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, June 10-11, 2025
Invitation for Members
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