February 5th – 2 PM CET – Online meeting: Update on TKA migration thresholds

Join us for our new IRSA Online Meeting on February 5th!

In order to stimulate academic sharing and social connection among members of the RSA Society we initiate a series of 1-hour online meetings where RSA research groups take turns presenting/sharing on different topics followed by a discussion.

Presenter: Bart Pijls from The Leiden University Medical Center.

Topic: Update on TKA migration thresholds

To further improve the high standards of RSA research and to allow for collaboration and meta-analysis in RSA research, standardization of methods is important. The recently published Guideline for RSA and CT-RSA implant migration will be explained and discusses in this meeting.

Time: February 5th – 2 PM CET

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86129468186?pwd=Os4jT37Toa2DJzsiw78N2pK4dabZez.1

Meeting ID: 86129468186

Passcode: 324084

All are welcome and no registration is needed.

If you are not yet a member of the IRSA Society, please join here:
We very much look forward to your participation!

Posted in News, Webinar.